We’ve all heard some version of the saying above, but it’s more than just words. To make the most of your professional and personal life, it’s important to do what you love.
If you want a shining example of someone who is doing what they love and giving back at the same time, you should definitely check out the Sharp Leadership website and book. Carl H. Shaperson, Jr. is the author of both and has helped countless businesses and individuals forge a clear path for their own careers.
You see, when you choose a job that doesn’t line up with your passions, you set yourself up to work at only about half of your true potential. You’re also less likely to feel rewarded or fulfilled. Thankfully, you can use these tips to take the next steps toward transforming your career and eventually, your entire life.
Go Back to School to Uncover Your Passions
Not sure what truly excites you? This is all too common. Many adults need help figuring out what sort of career will make them happy, even if they have been working in the same field for years. You can try using career quizzes and doing some research to see what options may be out there. Sometimes, however, what you really need is experience and self-reflection.
One way to gain experience in a new career field is through a new degree, and you don’t necessarily have to visit campus. Online classes offer enough flexibility that you could earn a new degree while still working full-time. And most online university programs cover a wealth of degree programs. For example, you can get a business degree and take courses in business management, leadership, marketing and general management all from the comfort of home.
Concerned about tuition? Financial aid may be available. More specifically, if you are a veteran or active duty service member, you may be entitled to financial aid and education benefits that will help you avoid taking out student loans. This way you can focus on fueling your passion for learning and expanding your career goals, instead of worrying about your finances.
Network to Grow Your Connections and Career
As you work your way through classes, you may have opportunities to connect with people who share your professional passions. You can also look to co-workers and supervisors at your current job to discern information that will help you on your path to a new and more rewarding career. This can be exceptionally important if you feel like you’re a minority in your chosen field because you may need to work twice as hard to succeed.
It’s also smart to find connections outside of work. You can start by joining up with pertinent online networking groups. If you hope to start a business, for instance, there are at least 20 top groups on LinkedIn where you can find positive connections.
These virtual connections will also become vital once you’re ready to begin the search for a new job. Hiring managers are more apt to schedule an interview or make a job offer to candidates that they know, even if it’s through their online network. So make networking a top priority.
Set Clear, Actionable, and Attainable Career Goals
Enrolling in online classes and networking with other professionals will provide some of the guidance and support you need right now. Even so, you also need to look within yourself to come up with practical and pragmatic goals for following your dreams to real success.
Like anything in life worth doing, you need a clear plan to develop actionable, attainable goals. Try starting with long-term goals and then work your way back from there. You may also find it helpful to use the S.M.A.R.T. method which stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
It’s never too late to change directions, and it’s never too late to go after your passions. After all, you spend most of your life at work, so shouldn’t you enjoy it? Take your time discovering what makes you come alive, and then use this guide to turn your passion into a satisfying new career.
Carl Shaperson, Jr. is the President/CEO of Sharpersons' Executive Leadership. He uses his 25 years of business experience to help individuals like you find success and career satisfaction.
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